Become a published author today.

We have a place for you in the MVH Library

Mark Victor Hansen Partners with the Los Angeles Tribune
to Elevate Thought Leaders Worldwide

In a groundbreaking collaboration set to transform the landscape of thought leadership and media, Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, has officially partnered with the Los Angeles Tribune. This strategic alliance aims to provide unprecedented opportunities for thought leaders who publish their works through, one of the fastest growing hybrid publishers in America. Hansen helps bring individuals impact stories to life in fiction, non-fiction, and biographies. (Read more)

All of our categories allow for fiction or nonfiction treatment of your story.



Concierge Service and Benefits to our Authors:

Whether you have a finished manuscript that needs editing or you want us to ghostwrite
your book, we will bring your story to life.

Personalized Discovery Approach

We begin with a story strategy session to uncover your message and develop a plan for your book.

Compelling Covers
& Design

Our professionals create custom book covers and layouts for maximum impact.

World-Class Writing Team

We have the top ghostwriters, editors and industry experts to make sure your book will achieve your goals.


We work with you every step of the way to bring your book to market and achieve a
successful launch.

Every Book Published in The MVH Library Receives a Cover Endorsement

from Mark Victor Hansen, #1 New York Times bestselling author of

Chicken Soup for The Soul®

Don't let your story go unwritten.
Turn your burning passion to have your book go from imagination to reality.

The Mark Victor Hansen Library

Mark Victor Hansen’s experience and unparalleled success makes us unique in the
hybrid publishing space.

We are the perfect solution between self-publishing and traditional publishing.

Have a Great Story to Tell, but

Struggling to Organize Your Ideas?

Our client relationships begin with a no-obligation story consultation. Contact us to discuss your book and take the first step toward becoming a published author.

We will transform your story into a finished book.

We ghostwrite books in every genre.

  • Literary Fiction

  • Women's Fiction

  • Family Saga

  • Romance

  • Adventure

  • Mystery/Crime

  • Suspense/Thriller

  • Science Fiction

  • Fantasy

  • Paranormal

  • Childrens

  • Young Adult

  • New Adult

  • Senior Adult

  • Humor/Comedy

  • Screenplay

  • TV/Movie Treatment

  • Creative Nonfiction

  • Historical Fiction

  • Biography (Premium Offering)

Meet Our Principal Partners at MVH Library

Mark Victor Hansen


"We believe stories needed to be captured and shared between the covers of books, on audios, and on film. Your story becomes part of your legacy—when captured it will live on forever to all future generations."

Crystal Dwyer Hansen

Chief Executive Officer

“Our company credo is creativity! For each author we work with, we have a passion to give life to the perfect characters, plots, and dramas, and to extract the hidden gems of wisdom that often, our authors themselves don’t see. The result is a joyful partnership that brings to life a treasured masterpiece for them to proudly share with the world.”

Preston Weekes

Director of Strategy

“The way we connect, share, and bond with others is through our story. For us your story means everything because it is your calling card to the world. We take that responsibility to heart to make sure we’re doing all we can to curate and communicate your most important message through your book.”

Carol McManus

Executive Editor

“We believe that every one of us has a story to tell and authoring a book is the most powerful tool to share your message. Put the power of our team to work for you, and we’ll help you change the world.”

We have assembled the most talented team of ghostwriters, editors, illustrators, and graphic artists in the industry. We provide our clients with a seamless process from beginning to end.

The Mark Victor Hansen Library signature of excellence and personalized client care make us a leader in the publishing community.

You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands, your own .

– Mark Victor Hansen

Mark Victor Hansen is best known as the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® book series and brand, setting world records in book sales, with over 500 million books sold.

Mark also worked his way into a worldwide spotlight as a sought-after keynote speaker, and entrepreneurial marketing maven, creating a stream of successful people who have created massive success for themselves through Mark’s unique teachings and wisdom. With his endearing charismatic style, Mark captures his audience’s attention as well as their hearts. Having spoken to over 6000 audiences world-wide with his one-of-a-kind technique and masterful authority of his work. Time and again he continues to receive high accolades from his audiences as one of the most dynamic and compelling speakers and leaders in the world. Now, with the Mark Victor Hansen Library, Mark is sharing his storytelling success with authors from around the globe.


Why should I write a book?

A book adds prestige to your profile. People are impressed when you introduce yourself as a ‘published author.’ A book adds authority to your reputation as a business leader, a speaker, a coach, a consultant, or a volunteer. In other words, no matter who you are or what you do, authoring a book elevates you in a unique and powerful way. Writing a book is a bucket-list goal for many adults, but the majority
never actually do it.

What types of books does MVHL publish?

We specialize in ghostwriting and editing three types of books: fiction, nonfiction and biographies/autobiographies. Our goal is to meet the needs of our authors and their readers. During our initial interview, we will decide if your book is right for MVHL and if we’re right for you.

How do I know if fiction or nonfiction is right for me?

Readers of all demographics are drawn to a well-written story where they become emotionally involved with the characters and follow their journey as the story unfolds. We find that even if someone has a message of self-help or how-to they want to share in a book, weaving those lessons or principles into a well-written fictional story evokes a more positive response from the reader, causing them to get caught up in the characters and narrative, and creating a “I couldn’t put it down once I started reading” effect. Fiction is a creative way to tell your story and share your core message. Studies indicate that the better and more captivating the story, the more effective it is at changing assumptions and challenging stereotypes as well as educating and inspiring.

What if I want to tell my story?

We have a special division just for you! Our Biography Collection is designed to tell your story so you can leave a legacy for your family, friends, colleagues and associates. We work closely with our clients to capture their journey through life and business. Together we will decide if it will be published as a biography (another author’s name on the cover) or autobiography (you are the named author on the cover).

What distinguishes MVHL from other hybrid publishers?

That’s easy. Mark Victor Hansen himself! No other publisher can compete with his expertise and success as the world’s bestselling author. Our mission is to write impact books and bring your vision to life.

Why should I invest in my own book?

All authors invest in their books, no matter which publishing option they choose. The key difference is when you invest. The hybrid model allows the author to make their investment up front by directly funding the publishing of their book and then reap the rewards with higher royalty rates. With a traditional publisher, they make the initial investment for production and distribution but the author pays in the form of giving up royalties as well as the rights to their work. While the traditional publisher offers a low option upfront risk, many authors are discovering it is not worth the potential profits they forfeit in the long run

Will MVHL publish a book I’ve already written?

Yes, provided it meets our standards for quality and content. We will review your manuscript at no charge so that we can offer the best solution for you.

What is ghostwriting?

The common definition of ghostwriting is the act of one or more person(s) writing in the name of another person, group, company, or institution without receiving a byline or public credit. The estimates for how many books are written by a ghostwriter range from 50% to a whopping 90% in nonfiction.

How do you select my ghostwriter?

We have assembled a team of superior writers from around the globe whose experience and interests are taken into consideration when we assign a project. Once we have a clear understanding of what our authors envision for their book, we match their project with the perfect writer.

Does MVHL use ChatGPT or other Artificial Intelligence (AI)
to write books?

Absolutely not! All of our books are written and edited by humans.

Who will own the rights to my work?

You are the exclusive owner of all rights, titles, and interests throughout the universe under the terms of our Agreement.

How long will it take to publish my book?

This will depend on the type of book we are publishing for you. We strive to deliver a quality book to our clients in the shortest amount of time possible. The time variables are affected by the complexity of the story, your active engagement and ability to turn around requests for interviews, feedback and edit suggestions. We work with each client to map out a plan to meet writing, editing, and publishing goals. The majority of our books are published within one year.

What format will you use to publish my book?

We publish our books in paperback, hardback, and eBook editions unless otherwise agreed to between author and MVHL. Despite the recent rise of
digital books, printed books remain the preferred format, with paperbacks
surpassing hardbacks due to the higher cost. If you choose to invest in an
audiobook, that usually follows six months later.

Can MVHL make my book a bestseller?

No publisher can make your book a bestseller. However, with our experience and by following our advice, you will exponentially increase the probability of achieving #1 bestseller on Amazon.

How do you market my book?

MVHL is your ghostwriting, editing and publishing provider. We are not a marketing company. However, with Mark Victor Hansen’s vast experience and creative imagination, we will share the best marketing strategies for a successful launch and best practices to support your goals for the book. You will receive custom tips on how to promote and sell your book. In addition, we promote our books on the MVHL website, through our social media channels and through podcast interviews with our authors. If you require additional public relations, social media or website support, we can recommend other service providers.

Mark’s Corporate Clients