Eric M. & Lila J. Wohlwend

Ethan, Eric, Lila and Deven Wohlwend
Family Success Triangle by Eric M. and Lila J. Wohlwend
Family Success Triangle by Eric M. and Lila J. Wohlwend


by Eric M. Wohlwend & Lila J. Wohlwend

An extraordinary story of a family that lives life with their children every day by achieving a powerful blend of home school education, business acumen, money management, and sharing of life lessons through their love, leadership, and example. Eric and Lila Wohlwend share their methods of how they teach their sons how to face obstacles and not only overcome them, but succeed in ways that goes far beyond what most kids ever imagine. You need this book, now!

“This book inspires the possibilities of teaching your children about business, investing, and how families can work together to build a better future.”
—Mark Victor Hansen, #1 NYT Chicken Soup for the Soul®

“What a great family! I look forward to seeing them each year at the OREIA Convention. Deven, who holds the title for my youngest note investor, is now coming into his own. If only my parents had given me these opportunities when I was his age. The sky is the limit for him and his brother!”

—Donna Bauer, The Original Note Buyer

“This book shares the RAW, REAL AND RELEVANT lessons of true life, family and business balance that so many people strive for but may not know how to achieve.”
— Robert Raymond Riopel, Bestselling author and podcast host of Success Left A Clue

Available on AMAZON

Eric M. Wohlwend, Lila J. Wohlwend, Deven J. Wohlwend and Ethan A. Wohlwend

Eric and Lila have been a full-time Real Estate Investors since 2003. They received both the Ohio and the National Professional Housing Provider certification in 2006. They specialize in being creative to make deals in any type of market. They have repositioned more than a thousand units. They still control hundreds of single & multi-family residential properties as well as many types of commercial property. They have spoken in five countries, on three continents and in countless states. They have written multiple articles in various Real Estate Investment newsletters and published a bestselling book on leadership.

The Wohlwend’s have used millions of dollars of private money from more than 100 private lenders to finance their real estate deals. Eric finds creative approaches to make good deals great and Lila manages the properties to make them even better. They use systems for management and operations to maximize value.

Their kids, Deven, now fifteen and Ethan, who is currently twelve years old, both bought their first piece of real estate when they were seven years old. Neither used any money or credit from their parents. Deven published his first book when he was eleven. He has been interviewed on many podcasts listened to in more than 190 countries and has spoken to live audiences in more than half a dozen states. Deven’s companies currently own over forty-five units. Deven is a #1 Best-Selling Author of The Garage and

If I Can Do It So Can You-How I Started Buying Real Estate at Age 7. The second book in his Garage series, The Fall & Rise of Atlas Gold will be available soon.

Ethan’s company owns over thirty-five units and he recently started speaking. He has also been on multiple podcasts including Rich-Dad Latino and The Real Estate Guys. Ethan’s first book, The Treehouse, was published in 2022 and was a #1 best seller on Amazon. Each of these books teach the lessons about business and investing that made the family so successful.

The family has recently fought overreaching governments from the city to the federal level. In 2020, when the CDC declared that landlords could not evict, they took on the CDC. This family, and some fantastic lawyers, beat the CDC in the Cleveland federal court. This helped to restore the rights of all property owners in the US.

When they are not buying more real estate, the family travels the US, Canada and Mexico in one of their private planes training other investors to do what they are doing. They speak on Creativity, Action, Management, Arbitrage, Systems, Private Lending, Homeschooling, How to Take on the Government, and many other topics. In their free time, Eric and Lila continue to homeschool their two children. The whole family travels everywhere they can to learn, teach and spend time with other like-minded individuals, like you.

If you would like more information about the Wohlwend family, their free newsletter or their companies’ services you can visit

On social media they can be found @RealPowerFamily.

Eric M. Wohlwend
Lila J. Wohlwend
Deven J. Wohlwend
Ethan A. Wohlwend

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