Tracey Powell

Tracey Powll
You Don't Get to Quit, Fail Yes. Quit No. by Tracey Powell
You Don't Get to Quit, Fail Yes. Quit No. by Tracey Powell

YOU DON'T GET TO QUIT: Fail Yes. Quit No.

by Tracey Powell

It is much easier to quit sometimes than stick it out.

No one knows that better than Cassie. She stakes her reputation as a coach on making anyone she works with successful. But has she met her match with Tanner? Her will and determination to forge ahead no matter what obstacles are thrown in her path bring out the best in herself and everyone around her, as two unlikely souls forge a connection.

“Discovering your truth and letting it be your North Star through thick and thin is the simple but powerful resonance of this compelling and well told story.”
—Philip Dickenson Peters, Author, CEO CitiQuants Corporation

“Tracey Powell’s short novel, You Don’t Get to Quit, is an inspiring reminder of our resilience, faith and the power we all have to learn from our failures to live the life we have imagined. A Terrific read!”

—Art Dwight, Author of Look at This

Available on AMAZON

Tracey Powell currently works as a technology consultant, helping national and international companies optimize their customer engagement capabilities.

His background includes seventeen years in banking, training as a Special Forces operative, and serving as an associate pastor after attending practical theology school. He holds an MBA from the University of Miami, studied entrepreneurial finance at London Business School, an


YOU DON'T GET TO QUIT: Fail Yes. Quit No.

by Tracey Powell

d has been part of multiple, successful start-up companies that have generated millions of dollars in profits for their owners.

An avid traveler, Tracey spent substantial time in Southeast Asia, Southern Africa, and the Caribbean, and conducted multiple excursions into Latin America.

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