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Rick and Stacie Fessler

Rick and Stacie Fessler
Maestro, Songteller of Savannah Valley
Maestro, Songteller of Savannah Valley by Rick and Stacie Fessler

MAESTRO: Song Teller of Savannah Valley

by Rick & Stacie Fessler

What if you were a maestro? What if you inspired others to achieve what they didn’t believe possible? What would the world be like, if we all behaved like maestros, tuning in to the hearts of others, inspiring them to realize their hopes and dreams?  

In the following chapters, you will meet a man who gave hope and possibilities to those he encountered, even from a young age. He turned his passion for music—and his hunger to inspire excellence in others—into a world-renowned career. After tragedy struck, he believed that his professional life had come to an end. But his passions took a surprising new turn, renewing his purpose and those of the people around him. 

Available on Amazon

 Rick Fessler is a father to two beautiful daughters and a husband to his amazing wife, Stacie. During his lifetime, he has been an accomplished entrepreneur, owning numerous companies. As a leader, he defines his team’s success or failure in terms of the moral principles that are the bedrock on which he built his organizations— integrity, compassion, gratitude, openness, and kindness. 

Stacie Fessler is one of the top real estate agents in St. Louis. She measures her personal success by how well she is able to help others find an innate value within themselves. 

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– Mark Victor Hansen