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Randall Kenneth Jones

Randall Kenneth Jones
Ruby: Magic Comes From the Heart
Ruby: Magic Comes From the Heart by Randall Kenneth Jones

RUBY: Magic Comes From the Heart

by Randall Kenneth Jones

Cynthia Grant arrives in posh Savannah Valley, searching for purpose and a new life. When she accidentally encounters her new neighbor Ruby, the winds of change go into overdrive.

A woman of untold mystery, Ruby's almost effortless impact on the magic of Christmas is a spectacle to behold. She opens hearts as quickly as she opens wallets in her affluent Georgia community. Ruby's influence on wondering, wandering Cynthia leads to a whirlwind of activity that transforms not only Cynthia but everyone she touches. From newspaper publisher Derek and devoted-sister Janice, whose secrets define and refine them, to attention-starved Paula, merry-widow Etta, and insightful Streep, a singularly focused film buff in search of the ultimate Meryl Christmas, Ruby and Cynthia deliver astonishing results.

With spirits, angels, messengers, and boundless imagination alongside mystery, whimsy, speculation, and a search for truth, Ruby tempts even the most hard-hearted naysayer to believe in believing again.

Available on Amazon

Randall Kenneth Jones is an author, keynote speaker, comic actor, and host of the popular JONES.SHOW podcast. With his ever-expanding platform focused on looking for the BEST in people, Jones spends his days making a list and checking it twice, determined to find out who's naughty and who's nice.

His literary journey began with his 2016 book, a celebrity interview-infused, feel-good opus entitled Show Me: Celebrities, Business Tycoons, Rock Stars, Journalists, Humanitarians, Attack Bunnies & More!

Jones spent several years running his boutique marketing agency in a haunted, pre-Civil War building in Leesburg, Virginia, before heading south to sunny Naples, Florida. Today, he is in high spirits in the company of his perennially nice family, Derek, Kevin and Maribeth, and his perpetually naughty Airedale, Alexander.

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